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Emma & James's wedding
December 12th
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Emma & James
Mobile Wedding Invitations
December 12th

Emma and James
request the pleasure of your company
at the celebration of their marriage
on Saturday, December 12, 2018
at 4:00 PM
Rosecliff Mansion
548 Bellevue Avenue Newport, RI 02840
Reception to follow

Rosecliff Mansion
548 Bellevue Avenue Newport, RI 02840
(401) 847-1000

We look forward to celebrating with you. Please kindly reply as early at your convenience.
1.Guest name/s: (필수) 
2.Will you attend our wedding? (필수) 
accept with pleasure
Declines with regrets
3.A message for the couple:  

초대 URL:

Wedding Count Down

Enter name and mobile to subscribe a short message reminder that will alert you few days before our wedding day.