두 사람이 만나
하나의 매듭이 되고
하나의 길이 되어
하나의 보금자리를 이루려 합니다.
변함없는 믿음과 사랑으로
축복해 주십시오.
{신랑} & {신부}
{이벤트 날짜} {이벤트 시간}
{이벤트 장소} {이벤트 주소}
6 PM, Friday December 11 Chinese Tea House, Marble House Cliff Walk Newport, RI 02840 (401) 847-1000 For guests arriving late in the evening, we welcome you for a late night snack at Pearl of Newport from 10 pm.
4 PM, Saturday December 12 Rosecliff Mansion 548 Bellevue Avenue Newport, RI 02840 (401) 847-1000
6 PM, Saturday December 12 Rosecliff Mansion 548 Bellevue Avenue Newport, RI 02840 (401) 847-1000
10 AM - 1 PM, Sunday December 13 The Chanler at Cliff Walk 117 Memorial Blvd Newport, RI 02840 (401) 847-1300
Carol and Hank met in September 2006 while volunteering for Habitat for Humanity. Hank asked a mutual friend for Carol's number and the rest is history!
The day is one of the most romantic days of my life. We went to Hyde Park and Hank packed an amazing picnic. We spent all day laughing, laying in the grass, and eating delicious cupcakes that Hank made himself!
Hank planned a picnic in the park just after sunset to watch the July 4th fireworks display. He popped the question as fireworks burst overhead, and of course, Carol said yes! They celebrated with their families the next day with dinner and a champagne toast.
Stephanie is my sister and best friend. She has been such a great strength to me over the years. She's been a shoulder to cry on, keeps me in line, especially during this whole wedding process (no bridezilla here!). Love ya sis!
Diana is my best friend. She is so gracious, humble and warmhearted. I am so happy Diana is in my life and I can't wait to party with her on my wedding night.
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